Day: January 28, 2023

What are the different types of weight loss surgeries, and how do they compare?What are the different types of weight loss surgeries, and how do they compare?

There are many different choices of weight loss surgeries, also known as bariatric surgery, including:

  1. Gastric Bypass: Today this is the most common type of weight loss surgery. During surgery the doctor creates a small stomach pouch and then rerouts the small intestine to this new pouch. This small stomach pouch limits the amount of food consumed and reduces the absorption of calories.
  2. Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Sleeve: This surgery removes a large portion of the stomach, leaving a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This smaller stomach also limits the amount of food consumed and reduces hunger hormone production.
  3. Adjustable Gastric Banding: This surgery involves placing an adjustable band around the upper stomach to create a small pouch. The adjustable band can be tightened or loosened adjusting the size of the stomach pouch.
  4. Biliopancreatic Diversion and a Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS): This surgery is a more complex procedure where the surgeon removing a large portion of the stomach and rerouts the small intestine. It is typically recommended for patients with a BMI over 50 or those without success with other weight loss methods.

These surgeries can lead to significant weight loss and improvement in related health conditions. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy result in greater weight loss than adjustable gastric banding. BPD/DS typically results in the most weight loss but has the highest risk and complications.

It’s important to note that all weight loss surgeries come with risks and complications. They are recommended for people who are morbidly obese and have not lost to lose weight through other methods. Patients must also commit to healthy lifestyle changes and regular follow-up care after surgery.